Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On My Husband and His New Purchase :-/

From my husband's Facebook page: 

Y'all see the kind of mess that I wake up to?!?! Why did he have to go tell Facebook about this?!? I've been receiving condolences this morning. I mean I deal with the camouflage shorts, but he's testing his limits. Gosh, marriage is about sacrifice. 

I married him for better or worse, and I'm putting these Crocs in the "Worse" category.  Did I mention that they are WHITE?!?! 

Wives, husbands, spouses, partners . . . how do you deal? I'm planning to just act like I don't see them. 

Until next time . . . I might go hide those monstrosities. 


  1. My BF has those toe shoes. I hate them so much. I feel your pain.

    1. Hey!

      Vibrams? Yeah, you're empathizing. I'm feeling your pain, too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You ask how do you deal? You randomly hide things...someone (!!) just told me they have been eyeing a pair. No Sir...

    1. Treda, don't be like me. Take a stand before he even makes the purchase!

  4. Say it Loud, I WEAR CROCS AND I'M PROUD!!!!!
